Full Name
Lorenzo Wong
Job Title
Bubble Skincare Ambassador
Speaker Bio

Lorenzo Wong is a Bubble Skincare Ambassador. Born and raised in San Diego, California, he is passionate about fitness, community service, and self-care and loves working out, thrifting, and skin care.

At 21-years-old, Mr. Wong has been fortunate to travel to over 20 countries, where he had the opportunity to immerse himself in local traditions and customs. Whether it is learning traditional dances in South Korea or tasting the local cuisine in Croatia, these experiences have opened his eyes to the beauty and diversity of our world.

Mr. Wong is a senior at the University of California, Los Angeles, pursuing a major in communication and minors in film and entrepreneurship. In his studies, he is interested in learning more about the intersection between marketing and social media because of its power to connect people, drive business growth, and shape modern communication.

Lorenzo Wong