Full Name
Andrew Samet
Job Title
Sorini, Samet & Associates LLC
Speaker Bio
With 30+ years of experience, Andrew Samet develops, implements and manages Sorini, Samet & Associates (SSA) consulting and lobbying practice on international trade negotiations and legislation, counseling U.S. and foreign clients on trade agreements, congressional legislation, and Executive Branch legislation. He has worked for Asian, Latin America and African clients in apparel, footwear and agriculture, and consulted for the Inter-American Development Bank and Ministers responsible for trade and labor from Central America and the Dominican Republic on labor issues from free trade agreements. He was Deputy Under Secretary of Labor in the Clinton Administration, negotiated the 1999 ILO Convention 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labor and the 1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, plus implemented the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation.